go no go

The Go/No-Go explosibility testing of combustible dust is a standardized screening procedure used to assess the propensity of a dust cloud to cause an explosion under specific conditions. This test aims to determine whether a particular dust possesses the potential for explosiveness or if it remains non-explosive under defined circumstances.

The test derives its name from the binary outcome it provides; either a “Go” indicating that the dust sample has the potential to cause an explosion, or a “No-Go” indicating that the dust sample is non-explosible within the test parameters.

Testing Principle and Methodology

The dust sample is dispersed into a 20L test chamber that simulates conditions conducive for a dust explosion.

This chamber is designed to allow controlled ignition of the dust cloud formed within it. The material to be tested is dispersed in the 20L Sphere pressurized with air and an ignition source, typically, 10KJ chemical ignitor is activated to attempt to ignite the material. A representative sample of the dust material is collected and prepared for testing. This may involve grinding or processing the dust to obtain a consistent particle size for the test. ASTM recommends the particles size of the material to be tested to be at least 95% less than 75 microns and less than 5% moisture. In certain unique cases where there is no chance of segregation of the material during normal operation, the material may be tested as received. In case of uncertainty on how to perform the testing please contact Prime Process Safety Center for guidance. Typically, 100g of the material is used for the purpose of testing.

Applicable Standards

The Go/No-Go explosibility testing is conducted in accordance with the American Standard Testing Method (ASTM) E1226.

Data Interpretation

The material is deemed explosible if the pressure ratio generated in the sphere is equal to or greater than 2.0. or when Pmax value is equal to or greater than 0.5 barG. The results of the screening test may prevent the need to subject the material to dust explosion dispersive testing and can still be used in the explosible hazard assessment of the material. Overall, the application of Go/No-Go explosibility testing spans from various aspects of safety, material handling, process optimization, compliance, and risk management in industries where combustible dust is present. It serves as a fundamental tool in evaluating the potential for dust explosions and implementing measures to ensure workplace safety.

When to perform the Go/No-Go Test

Performing Go/No-Go dust explosion testing is crucial when assessing the potential hazards associated with combustible dust in various industries. It is typically conducted at specific stages or under certain circumstances to evaluate the explosibility of dust samples.

Performing Go/No-Go dust explosion testing at appropriate intervals, especially during material changes, process modifications, or as mandated by regulations, is crucial to ensure workplace safety and prevent potential dust-related incidents in industries where combustible dust is present.

Why work with Prime Process Safety Center

  • Prime Process Safety Center is a leader in process safety testing with very experienced laboratory personnel. At Prime Process Safety Center our ultimate goal is to provide accurate, reliable and defensible data that meets industry and regulatory standards. We understand the need for the quality of your data, and we work assiduously to achieve just that.
  • We are knowledgeable and experienced in performing dust explosibility (Go/No-Go)/ dust combustibility screen tests, ensuring accurate and reliable results.
  • We have state-of-the-art explosibility testing equipment, providing precise and sensitive measurements.
  • We follow strict testing protocols and quality control measures to ensure consistent and reliable test results.
  • Our team can interpret and analyze the data obtained from the tests, providing valuable insights and recommendations for your specific application or research.


What is Go/No-Go explosibility testing for combustible dust?

Go/No-Go explosibility testing is a standardized procedure used to assess the potential explosibility of a dust sample. It determines whether the dust has the capability to cause an explosion under specific conditions. The test results categorize the dust as either “Go” (potentially explosible) or “No-Go” (non-explosible).

How is Go/No-Go explosibility testing conducted?

The test involves dispersing a dust sample in a controlled environment that simulates conditions favorable for a dust explosion. The sample is introduced into a test chamber, forming a dust cloud, and an ignition source is applied to assess whether the dust ignites or explodes. The outcome categorizes the dust as either “Go” or “No-Go” based on its explosibility.

Why is Go/No-Go explosibility testing important in industries dealing with combustible dust?

Industries handling combustible dust materials require an understanding of the explosion risks associated with these materials. Go/No-Go testing helps in identifying potentially hazardous dusts, enabling the implementation of appropriate safety measures, ventilation systems, and handling procedures to mitigate the risk of dust explosions.

What safety measures should be taken based on the results of Go/No-Go explosibility testing?

Depending on the test results, safety measures might include implementing proper dust control, ventilation systems, explosion prevention and protection methods, and training programs for employees. For “Go” dusts, stringent safety protocols are required, while “No-Go” dusts still demand caution but pose lower risks.

Are there regulatory guidelines or standards related to Go/No-Go explosibility testing?

Yes, regulatory bodies such as OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) in the US and other international safety agencies provide guidelines for handling combustible dust. Conducting explosibility testing is often a part of compliance with these safety regulations.